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Innovation / Technology

Fast service on site

Managing Director Anatoly Shirlin, who has headed the Russian SN subsidiary since 2014, introduced his new employee during the Agroprodmash trade fair in Moscow.

Evgeny Marusin is an experienced service technician who has been working in the international packaging machine sector for many years. After several weeks of intensive training at the company headquarters in Wipperfürth, the native Muscovite has already completed his first assignments in Russia and the CIS states. In addition to his tasks in the service area, Evgeny Marusin will be involved in project management at the Russian branch and will support the Managing Director in establishing new business relationships and maintaining contacts with existing customers.

OOO SN Upakovochnye Mashiny” (SN Packaging Machines) is responsible for the important Russian market and the CIS states. The sales successes to date and promising new projects show that there is a great deal of interest in the high-performance machines from SN Maschinenbau. Thanks to the branch office in Moscow, significantly shorter sales channels, faster technical support and, last but not least, the direct transfer of know-how are guaranteed.

In spring 2016, the Russian team will take part in ProdExpo in Moscow (February 8 to 12) and present the latest innovations from SN Deutsche Beutelpack-Technik.